Dynamic Multilingual Solutions

Why we do what we do...

The most rewarding part of Dual Language Education, for us, is not diminishing native Spanish-speakers' first language. We are uplifting not only the language, but the culture.

The most challenging part is having equitable resources available to provide the best education for our students.

We hope to see Dual Language Education evolve over the next five years by becoming more of the norm and not the exception. In ten years, we hope that our country has more DLE opportunities for every child!

Serena Keeney-Horsch

Education: Occidental College, BA in Spanish
Language and Literature
George Washington University, MA in Curriculum
and Instruction with an emphasis in Bilingual
Special Education
McDaniel College, Graduate Certificate in
Administration and Supervision

Experience: Second grade teacher, Kindergarten
teacher, first grade teacher, ESOL teacher, Dual
Language Instructional Coach, focus teacher, third
grade teacher, prek teacher, Spanish tutor,
supervisor of student teachers for American
University, adjunct professor at Notre Dame of
Maryland, Faculty Instructor at Moreland University

Deirdre Beet

Education: Shepherd University, BA in Elementary Education, Walden University, MS in Elementary
Reading and Mathematics

Experience: kindergarten teacher, third grade teacher, first grade teacher, first grade Dual Language teacher, Dual Language Enrichment Coach

Some places you may have seen us...






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